Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...well, almost wordless..

Friday Night Lights

I love this photo of my son and his girlfriend.
Partly, because I love them.
Also, I just think it shows a sweet slice of America.
Small town gathered at the stadium on a Friday night.
Under the bright lights with the smell of popcorn
and the crackle of the announcer's voice.

*My son's football days are over...torn ACL.
Not so sweet.
Yet he loves his team and is there at every practice and every game.
That is sweet.*


  1. My husband played under Friday night lights in high school - I was very disconnected from that slice of america growing up....but connected to it through him. We adored that tv show - miss it! This is a great photo of two happy, lovely kids!

  2. sweet :)great looking kids!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful picture!

    I'm so sorry about the ACL. Ouch!

  4. Oh wow, that's amazing that he still goes!

    Such a sweet pic!


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